The Journey Of A Village Man

by Hari Koman

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Idea to Work

The value of an idea lies in the using of it! Very True


Idea to Work

iPad and iPhone was just an idea 8 years ago.  Google was just an idea 15 years ago. Facebook was just an idea 9 years ago. Common thing with all the above success stories is that they all had a strong conviction about it and went ahead putting in their best to make it work. Tons of criticisms, financial troubles, marketing issues and what not..  They did not stop. 

That is the very reason we say execution is one of the keys in marriage with ideas. When they combine their blends, dreams come true. You stay full course with your idea and see to that it is executed at the right time (yeah timing is critical !). We are convinced that age is just a number when success from Generation Y ramps up the enterprise success across the world. I keep saying this friends, we are in a talent age now. Whoever has talents and ideas prevail and succeed. Finding right partners to execute these idea will go long way in deciding future success.

So, Get out. Don’t rule out your ideas. Find a partner to execute it and go places and heights!